Thư viện - Kālāma - Library

Lịch sử Phật giáo

Buddhism for the West - Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana (Dorothy C Donath)
Decline of Buddhism in India- A Fresh Perspective (K.T.S Sarao)
Early Buddhism and its Relation to Brahmanism. A Comparative and Doctrinal Investigation (Gabriel Ellis)
Ascetic figures before and in early buddhism - Chapter One (Martin G. Wiltshire)
Buddhist Sects of Lesser Vehicle (Andre Bareau)
Paccekabuddha Concept In Pali Canon Commentary (Ria Kloppenborg)
The Evolution of the Concept of the Buddha from Early Buddhism to the Formulation of the Trikaya Theory (Guang Xing)
Maha Kaccana - Bhikkhu Bodhi

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[ Pali ] [ Sanskrit ] [ Việt ] [ မြန်မာဘာသာ ] [ 汉语 ]

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Khác biệt về tông phái và luận điểm
Pāḷi - từ điển & văn phạm
Abhidhamma - A Tỳ Ðàm
Giới Luật

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