
Thư viện - Kālāma - Library


A Discourse on the Purabheda Sutta
A Manual of the Requisites of Enlightenment (Ledi Sayādaw)
An Exposition of the Satipatthana Sutta (Bhikkhu Pesala)
An Introduction to Pali literature (Banerji)
Ascetic figures before and in early buddhism - Chapter One (Martin G. Wiltshire)
Bhikkhunis in Thailand-Sangha, Society, and Situations (KakanangYavaprabhas)
Buddhism for the West - Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana (Dorothy C Donath)
Buddhism in Sri Lanka - Short History (Perrera)
Buddhist Analysis of Matter (Y. Karunadasa)
Buddhist Monastic Code (Thanissaro Bhikkhu)
Buddhist Sects of Lesser Vehicle (Andre Bareau)
Citta (11 aspects) - Agganyani
Coming Buddha, Arriya Metteyya (U Chit Tin)
Compendium Of Bhikkhu Vinaya (Shāsanāvataraṇaya)
Concept of the Buddha - Its Evolution from Early Buddhism (Guang Xing)
Decline of Buddhism in India- A Fresh Perspective (K.T.S Sarao)
Dhammapada Aṭṭhakathā (E W Burlingame - BK Ānandajoti)
Dhammapada Illustrated
Doctrine of Momentariness (Vonrospatt)
Early Buddhism and its Relation to Brahmanism (Gabriel Ellis)
Early Buddhist Teachings - Middle Position in Theory and Practice (Karunadasa)
Good Question Good Answer (Dhammika)
Maha Kaccana - Bhikkhu Bodhi
Manual of Buddhism (Ledi Sayadaw)
Manual of Defining Mind and Matter - Anuruddha (Sean M. Kerr)
Manual of Light (Ledi Sayadaw)
Mindfulness in Early Buddhism - Psychology and Textual Analysis of Pali, Chinese and Sanskrit (Tse-fu Kuan)
Paccekabuddha Concept In Pali Canon Commentary (Ria Kloppenborg)
Pali Glossary of Technical Terms (Nanamoli Bhikkhu)
Path of Freedom (Vimuttimagga)
Path to Freedom-Vol1 (N. Nyanatusita Bhikkhu)
Path to Freedom-Vol2 (N. Nyanatusita Bhikkhu)
Paṭṭhāna in Burmese Buddhism (Kyaw Pyi Phyo)
Perspective of Mahasatipatthana Sutta (Nandamalabhivamsa)
Pitaka Disclosure (Nyanamoli)
Pāli and Buddhism_Language and Lineage (Bryan G. Levman)
Re‑Establishing Orthodoxy in Chinese Abhidharma (Lu Huang)
Routledge Handbook of Theravada Buddhism (Berkwitz-Thompson)
Sarvastivada Abhidharma 1 (Bhikkhu Dhammajoti K.L.)
Sarvastivada Buddhist Scholasticism (Charles Willemen-Bart Dessein- Collett Cox)
The Bhikkhunī Ordination Debate (Hiroko Kawanami)
The Birth of Insight - Ledi Sayadaw (Erik Braun)
The Buddha and His Teachings
The Dhamma Theory - Philosophical Cornerstone of the Abhidhamma (Y. Karunadasa)
The Evolution of the Concept of the Buddha from Early Buddhism to the Formulation of the Trikaya Theory (Guang Xing)
The Great Chronicle of Buddhas
The Iconography and Symbolism of the Pacceka Buddhas in the Art of Pagan (Samerchai Poolsuwan)
The Jhanas in Theravada Buddhist Meditation
The Notion of Ditthi in Theravada Buddhism (Fuller)
The Position of Chinese Mahāyāna Bhikkhuṇis in Contemporary Myanmar
The Princeton dictionary of Buddhism (Lopez)
Thus We Heard (Walpola Piyananda - Stephen Long)
Way of Mindfulness (Soma Thera)

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